Received the Finnish Fine Art Academy Prize at EMMA
The Source at the ILL & ESS User Days at Minatec, Grenoble.
Photographing the Invisible at Camera Austria, Graz
Brave the Heavenly Breezes at Volta, Basel.
Brave the Heavenly Breezes - Icon at “A 18 minutos del Sol” at Museo Moderno, Buenos Aires.
Kolme Perunaa Space VI at “Indefinit”, Del Infinito, Buenos Aires
Brave the Heavenly Breezes at Del Infinito, Buenos Aires.
The Permian Projects at IPERCUBO, Milan
The Permian Projects at arteBA, Buenos Aires
The Devils of Paasselkä at Crossing Actions, IPERCUBO, Milan.
Kit Maude and Axel Straschnoy present The Permian Collection at Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires.
Eléctrico / Ecléctico at Del Infinito, Buenos Aires
Iain Sutton presenting The Source at the European Spallation Source, Lund
La Internacional Platillista at the International Astronautical Congress, Paris.
The Devils of Paasselkä at Forumbox, Helsinki
Presenting The Source together with Iain Sutton at Nanocosmic Investigations, Inter Arts Center, Malmö
The Devils of Paasselkä at DocPoint, Helsinki